速報APP / 遊戲 / Connect The Dots Xmas

Connect The Dots Xmas





版本需求:Android 2.1 - 4.0.4



聯絡地址:Mango Technologies Pvt. Ltd. # 7 & # 8,27th Main Road, HSR Layout Sector-1, Bangalore-560 102 India

Connect The Dots Xmas(圖1)-速報App

Amaze Your Kids This Christmas and New Year!

Let your kid thrill this holiday season with festive theme of Connect The Dots Christmas app.

Connect The Dots Xmas(圖2)-速報App

The app features 30 simple connect-the-dot Christmas objects and promises to keep your little one engaged and thrilled for hours.

Connect The Dots Xmas(圖3)-速報App


★ Finger-drag drawing for connecting the dots

Connect The Dots Xmas(圖4)-速報App

★ Pleasing audio sounds for delightful learning

★ Random starting point for joining the dots to develop kid's imagination and love of learning

Connect The Dots Xmas(圖5)-速報App

Connect all the dots and reveal the beautiful picture of Christmas artifacts with this fun game.

Kids will really connect with our Connect The Dots game.

Connect The Dots Xmas(圖6)-速報App

Your child will love playing Connect The Dots, and you'll be able to relax, knowing your child is learning along with great fun.

How to play it?

Connect The Dots Xmas(圖7)-速報App

★ Kids tap on a series of dots that outline a Christmas object. As they tap on the dots or connect the dots, the numbers are pronounced.

★ When children succeed in connecting them all, the connected dots are delightfully transformed into a colorful graphic of whatever the child has outlined with cheerful sound in the background.

Connect The Dots Xmas(圖8)-速報App

★ Kids are surprised and filled with wonder to see the objects they've created "come to life".

We hope your children enjoy all the fun and education we have built into our game.